
It’s Time for a Hip Replacement Surgery – Are these the Warning Signs?

An ailing hip can make doing the things you love uncomfortable or even impossible. Persistent hip pain could signal something more severe. The symptoms may point to a worn-out hip joint, advanced osteoarthritis, or they might indicate another issue.

Here are some warning signs that it’s the right time for hip replacement surgery.

Pain did not respond to other treatments

You’ve tried these hip pain treatment options and they didn’t give you enough relief:

  • Pain medicines
  • Anti-inflammatory drugs or shots
  • Physical therapy
  • Exercise
  • Weight loss

At one point these conservative measures become less effective and fail to provide relief. When that happens, your orthopedic surgeon may suggest hip replacement surgery.

Daily life isn’t easy due to hip pain and hip disability

Whether you need a hip replacement surgery or not mainly depends on how much your injured hip affects your daily life. Even if you manage the pain somehow, significant hip disability can make your routine tasks difficult or impossible. You may find hard or painful to:

  • Walk
  • Stand up
  • Sit down
  • Bend over
  • Climb stairs
  • Putting your shoes or socks
  • Standing on one leg even with assistance or balance

Your hip hurts also when you are not moving or even while lying in bed.

Joint pain is wearing you down emotionally and mentally

Chronic joint pain can also take a toll on a patient’s emotional and mental well-being. You’re cranky or irritable most of the time, or you have symptoms of depression like:

  • Feel sad or hopeless
  • Lost interest in things you loved once
  • Can’t sleep or sleep too much
  • Feel tired all the time
  • Feel stressed or anxious
  • Put on weight or lost weight

Diagnosis revealed advanced arthritis or significant joint damage

Significant joint damage caused by arthritis or other joint conditions can create inflammation, causing the cartilage to wear away. Without cartilage, there’s no cushion between the bones rubbing together, and they begin to wear down. Advanced cases of joint damage may make surgery necessary.

Hip pain medications started showing up side effects

NSAIDs and other types of pain medication your doctor prescribes are relatively safe when used for a short amount of time. However, side effects can develop with prolonged use, including:

  • Stomach irritation
  • Ulcers
  • Increased risk of stroke, blood clots and heart attack
  • And more

If you’re dealing with adverse symptoms associated with hip pain and damage, it might be the right time that you need a hip replacement surgery.

If you are looking for a hip replacement surgeon in Ahmedabad, contact for an appointment.

Banner Image Source (Royalty Free Image): https://unsplash.com/photos/yPPu9FBmTQ0

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